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ViacomCBS launching Paramount Plus with major presentation (live updates)

- *Updated 7:19 p.m.:* On the free ad-supported streaming front (Pluto
TV), it will draw from "continued MAU growth, international expansion and
better monetization." It expects 100M-120M MAUs on Pluto by the end of
2024, with a large proportion of that connected TV users. On pay and
premium, it sees 65M-75M global streaming subs by then, up from 30M
today -
with most growth from Paramount Plus domestically and internationally.
- On the investment side: A $1B investment in streaming content today
should grow to $5B-plus by the end of 2024.
- *Updated 7:12 p.m.:* From streaming revenue of $2.6B in 2020,
ViacomCBS expects that to grow to "north of $7B" by the end of 2024 -
a 30% compound annual growth rate.
- *Updated 6:56 p.m.:* And there's the pricing news: An ad-supported
tier (arriving in June) will cost $4.99/month, and will feature NFL and
UEFA, CBSN and CBS News On Demand videos, and the entertainment side's
exclusive originals (and the thousands of library movies and 30,000 TV
shows). And a Premium tier at $9.99/month will be ad-free, and offer more
content than the lower tier (more live sports, live news feeds, and CBS
live television). There will also be bundle upsells for customers to add
Showtime OTT.
- That $4.99 tier is less than CBS All Access currently costs on its
ad-supported tier ($5.99), but it's in line with how hot competition is
pushing streamers to add more, charge less (see: HBO Max adding heavy
content, but charging the same as prior HBO).
- *Updated 5:49 p.m.:* Paramount studio head Jim Gianopulos offers some
details on the newly negotiated theatrical windows. Not only will
Plus feature Paramount films, but its Epix relationship means "thousands
titles from a wide variety of studios." As for Paramount's new shorter
windows, some of its biggest releases will go exclusively to Paramount
from theaters, starting with *A Quiet Place Part II* - which will bow
theatrically in September and head to the streaming service 45 days
Another title getting that treatment is the seventh installment in the
Impossible* film franchise.
- *Updated 5:28 p.m.:* Live sports will be key for the new service, and
it's already the "No. 1 acquisition driver" for CBS All Access, CBS chief
George Cheeks says. Engagement, too: Time spent streaming NFL games grew
88% this season. "We're also doubling down on soccer," he says, noting
service will be the home of UEFA matches (the second-best driver of
subscriptions behind the NFL). And news offerings will include exclusives
like *60 Minutes Plus, Forty Eight Hours, *and the existing 24/7 global
digital news service CBSN.
- *Updated 5:09 p.m.:* When it comes to movies, Bakish says the
Paramount studio has negotiated a 30- to 45-day theatrical window before
the films debut on Paramount Plus. The service will offer more than 2,500
movies in its library.
- *Updated 5:04 p.m.:* CEO Bob Bakish promises Paramount Plus will be
unique, combining live sports, breaking news and a "mountain of
entertainment." The offering will include more than 30,000 episodes of
library TV content, and Bakish promises 36 original series ahead. The
company's key brands - Paramount, CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central,
BET and Smithsonian - will be "focused on creating original hits for
Paramount Plus," he says. VIAC+0.9%.
- *Original item:* ViacomCBS (VIAC, VIACA) is kicking off its "streaming
event" now (after an inauspicious half-hour delay, which the company
attributes to "last-minute registrations") with an opener from Shari
- "You know us as a value stock," she says, but "inside our value
company is a powerful engine for growth."
- The event promises details on its Paramount Plus strategy and
offerings as well as how ad-supported Pluto TV and Showtime OTT fit in.
- Watch this space for key updates, but be patient: As with Disney's
mega-event in December, ViacomCBS is planning a 3.5-hour presentation to
roll out the high-stakes service. No doubt a lot of that will be devoted
showing off the content library, while investors will be staying tuned
the details that might come late in the "show": namely, price points.
- The company just posted earnings where it topped consensus on EPS
though revenues trailed slightly.
- Currently: VIAC +0.6%.

|Today, 4:52 PM|6 Comments


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