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Swift and forceful' actions stave off worst of economic damage: Jerome

- Some of the worst economic fallout from the pandemic have been avoided
through "swift and forceful actions," Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell
said during his post-FOMC decision press conference.
- He described both the fiscal support provided by Congress in three
relief packages as well as the Fed using its full set of tools to keep
credit flowing.
- The Federal Open Market Committee is "very determined to implement its
guidance in a robust way," and adds that they're committed to its new
policy framework it introduced last summer, Powell said.
- He clearly is pushing back on market expectations that the central
bank will raise interest rates before the end of 2023. The 10-year
yield sits at ~1.65%, below the session's high of 1.68%.
- *3:30 PM ET:* Press conference ends.
- *3:10 PM ET:* The Fed's "dot plot" in its summary of economic
projections is not a committee forecast, the Fed chair emphasized. "It's
not a promise or prediction on when the committee will act."
- *3:05 PM ET:* The central bank is a couple weeks away from announcing
its decision on whether to continue its restrictions on bank dividends
stock repurchases, Powell said.
- *2:55 PM ET*: "We think our stance on monetary policy remains
appropriate," he said in response to a question on the recent increase in
bond yields. He also repeated that the Fed will be "patient."
- Asset purchases across the curve are currently appropriate, he added.
He would be concerned by "disorderly market conditions."
- *2:51 PM ET*: That means the Fed won't raise interest rates until it
is has met its goals of full employment (using a wide range of
that inflation has reached 2%, and that it's on track to run moderately
above 2% for some time.
- *2:43 PM ET*: The Fed will announce something on the supplementary
leverage ratio rule for banks "in coming days," so he refused to comment
that issue now. (Here's more on the SLR rule.)
- *2:42 PM ET*: It's "not yet" time to "talk about talk about" tapering
bond purchases, Powell said, reinforcing that the Fed will have to see
"actual progress" towards its goals, not forecast progress.
- Emphasizes that the bulk of the committee doesn't expect rate
increases through 2023.
- *2:38 PM ET*: "Vaccinations offer hope for return to more normal," he
said. And while the economy is recovery, it's still a long way from the
Fed's goals.
- In commenting on inflation, "One-time increases in prices are likely
to have only transitory effect on inflation," Powell said.
- Notes the importance of keeping inflation expectations anchored at 2%.
- Reaffirms that the Fed will use all of its tools for as long as
they're needed to support the economy.

|Yesterday, 2:34 PM|19 Comments


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