Based on the statistics provided, AS Tallink Grupp had a significant increase in the number of passengers transported in February 2023 compared to February 2022. Specifically, the company transported 355,796 passengers, which is 51.3% higher than the number of passengers transported in February 2022.
In terms of cargo transportation, the company saw a decrease of 18.7% in the volume of transported cargo units, with a total of 26,784 units transported in February 2023. However, the company did see an increase of 11.0% in the number of vehicles transported, with a total of 50,259 vehicles transported in February 2023.
Looking at the specific routes operated by AS Tallink Grupp, the company saw the following changes in transportation volumes for February 2023 compared to February 2022:
- Soome-Rootsi: The number of passengers transported increased by 44.1%, while the volume of cargo units and vehicles transported decreased by 56.3% and 23.4%, respectively.
- Eesti-Soome: The number of passengers transported increased by 47.3%, while the volume of cargo units transported decreased by 13.7% and the number of vehicles transported increased by 14.0%.
- Eesti-Rootsi: The number of passengers transported increased by 120.5%, while the volume of cargo units transported increased by 6.2% and the number of vehicles transported increased by 41.9%.
It's worth noting that some factors impacted the transportation volumes on certain routes. For example, the cessation of operations by Kruiisilaev Galaxy on the Turu-Stockholm route in September 2022 and maintenance work on Kruiisilaevad Silja Serenade and Silja Symphony affected the transportation volumes on the Soome-Rootsi route. On the other hand, the addition of the shuttle-laevad MyStar to the Eesti-Soome route and the cessation of operations by Kruiisilaev Silja Europa on the Tallinn-Helsingi route impacted transportation volumes on the Eesti-Soome route. Finally, the transportation volumes on the Eesti-Rootsi route reflected the operations of the Tallinn-Stockholm and Paldiski-Kapellskär routes.
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