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Showing posts from March, 2023

ELMO Rent teatas 2022. aasta II poolaasta tulemustest

 ELMO Rent teatas 2022. aasta II poolaasta tulemustest ELMO Rent AS (edaspidi ELMO Rent) konsolideeritud auditeerimata müügitulu kasvas 2022. II poolaastal võrreldes 2021. II poolaastaga 871 089 eurolt 873 051 euroni ehk 0,2%. Perioodi kogu kahjum oli 746 126 eurot (sama periood 2021. aastal -375 885 eurot), mille peamiseks põhjuseks oli kaugjuhitava tehnoloogia ning lühirendi teenuse uue äpi arendamise ja turule toomise kulud. ELMO Rent on Eesti juhtiv elektriautode lühirendi teenuse pakkuja, mis pakub keskkonnasõbralikku ja mugavat alternatiivi tavapärasele autorendile. ELMO Rent on osa ELMO programmist, mille eesmärk on edendada elektriautode kasutamist Eestis. ELMO Rent tegevjuht Enn Laansoo Jr ütles, et ettevõte jätkab investeerimist uude tehnoloogiasse ja autoparki, et pakkuda klientidele parimat võimalikku teenust. "Oleme veendunud, et elektriautode lühirent on tulevikku suunatud ärimudel, mis aitab vähendada transpordi keskkonnamõju ja parandada linnade õhukvaliteeti. Meie...

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Deutsche Bank shares plunge, shares are down -14% @ 8 EUR

The German banking giant Deutsche Bank has seen its share price plummet by more than 14% on Friday, reaching its lowest level since November 2022. The reason behind this sharp decline is the surge in the cost of insuring its debt against default, which has reached its highest level since early 2019. Credit default swaps (CDS) are contracts that allow investors to hedge against the risk of a borrower failing to repay its obligations. The higher the CDS spread, the more expensive it is to buy protection and the more risky the borrower is perceived to be. According to data from S&P Market Intelligence, Deutsche Bank's five-year CDS spread jumped above 200 basis points (bps) on Friday, up from 142 bps on Wednesday. This means that it would cost $200,000 per year to insure $10 million worth of Deutsche Bank's debt for five years. This spike in CDS spreads reflects growing concerns about the health and stability of Europe's banking sector, which has been hit by a series of sh...

USA aktsiaturudel tehti 2 tundi enne lõppu pööre ja liiguti põhjadest kõrgemale

Üks teguritest, mis aitas kaasa positiivseale meeleolule, oli uudis selle kohta, et SVB Financial Group , mis on suurim Silicon Valley pangandusgrupp ja üks Nasdaqi suurimaid komponente, peab leidma ostja teiste pankade seast. Paljud analüütikud ja investorid on arvanud, et SVB võib olla atraktiivne sihtmärk mõnele suuremale pangale või tehnoloogiaettevõttele. Kolmapäeval teatasi USA rahandusministeerium ametlikult, et ei luba SVB müüki mitte-pangandussektorile ega välismaistele investoritele. Ministeeriumi sõnul on SVB liiga oluline USA innovatsiooni- ja konkurentsivõime jaoks ning selle ülevõtmine võib ohustada riigi majandusjulgeolekut.  See uudis oli positiivne nii SVB kui ka teiste väiksemate pankade aktsiatele, kuna see näitas valitsuse toetust neile ning vähendas konkurentsi- ja reguleerimissurve riski. Samuti tõstis see spekulatsioone potentsiaalsete ühinemiste ja ülevõtmiste kohta pangandussektoris. Teine tegur, mis aitas kaasa USA aktsiaturgude tugevnemisele kolmapäeval, ...

Why the U.S. government wants another bank to buy SVB

 # Why the U.S. government wants another bank to buy SVB Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is one of the most prominent lenders to the tech industry, serving startups, venture capitalists and private equity firms. However, the bank has been struggling with financial troubles since last year, when it reported a $1.6 billion loss and faced regulatory scrutiny over its risk management practices. In January 2021, SVB announced that it had agreed to sell its private banking and wealth management division, Boston Private, to SVB Financial Group, its parent company. The deal was valued at $900 million and was expected to close by mid-2021. However, in March 2021, SVB filed for bankruptcy protection after failing to raise enough capital to meet its obligations. The bank's collapse triggered a domino effect across its global operations, as regulators seized its subsidiaries in Canada and the U.K., leaving thousands of clients unable to access their funds. The U.S. government has been looking for a ...

Why are Baltic and European banks falling fast today?

 # Why are Baltic and European banks falling fast today? The European banking sector is facing another day of turmoil as shares of Credit Suisse plummeted to a record low after its largest shareholder ruled out providing more financial assistance to the Swiss bank. The collapse of Credit Suisse dragged down other major European banks, such as BNP Paribas, BBVA, Deutsche Bank and Santander, which also suffered heavy losses on Wednesday. ## What happened to Credit Suisse? Credit Suisse has been struggling with a series of scandals and losses in recent months that have eroded its capital position and reputation. In February, the bank reported its first annual loss since the 2008 financial crisis due to a $4.7 billion charge related to its involvement in the collapse of Archegos Capital Management, a US hedge fund that defaulted on margin calls. The bank also faced legal troubles over its role in the Greensill Capital saga, a UK-based supply chain finance firm that went bankrupt amid a...

Tallink February 2023 statistics summary

  Based on the statistics provided, AS Tallink Grupp had a significant increase in the number of passengers transported in February 2023 compared to February 2022. Specifically, the company transported 355,796 passengers, which is 51.3% higher than the number of passengers transported in February 2022. In terms of cargo transportation, the company saw a decrease of 18.7% in the volume of transported cargo units, with a total of 26,784 units transported in February 2023. However, the company did see an increase of 11.0% in the number of vehicles transported, with a total of 50,259 vehicles transported in February 2023. Looking at the specific routes operated by AS Tallink Grupp, the company saw the following changes in transportation volumes for February 2023 compared to February 2022: Soome-Rootsi: The number of passengers transported increased by 44.1%, while the volume of cargo units and vehicles transported decreased by 56.3% and 23.4%, respectively. Eesti-Soome: The number of p...