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Showing posts from February, 2023

Realia Group

  Realia Group's total revenue for the year decreased by 24.9%, with income from Commercial Property rising by 7.9% due to various factors. Meanwhile, income from Land & Homebuilding decreased by 55.1%, mainly due to fewer dwelling deliveries. Income from Services & Others increased by 24.4% due to new agreements related to third-party residential developments. Operational costs decreased by 26.5%, and provisions for risks increased significantly to €24.3m, compared to €2.94m in December 2021.

Golar LNG

Golar LNG reports a record book value of equity, with a 2022 net income of $788 million and Q4 net income of $71 million. The company exited its investments in New Fortress Energy and Cool Company, raising net proceeds of $418 million and $98 million, respectively. Golar secured an LNG carrier for conversion to a 3.5MTPA Mark II FLNG and unwound TTF hedges worth approximately $140 million. The company also repurchased $141 million of $300 million unsecured bonds.

Tallinna Vesi

  AS Tallinna Vesi is investing in the reconstruction of methane tanks to produce more biogas, reducing its environmental impact. The project will cost €3,843,794.38, and the work must be completed within 34 months. The company aims to use biogas to produce the heat and electricity needed for its wastewater treatment process.

Tallinna Sadam

  Tallinna Sadam's unaudited financial results for Q4 and 2022 show growth in revenue and profit for the year, despite challenges from the pandemic and geopolitical tensions. While the number of ship visits decreased slightly, the number of passengers increased significantly, while cargo volumes declined. The company's CEO highlights the effectiveness of the balanced business model and ongoing investments, including in renewable energy. The company recommends a dividend payout of at least 70% of profits to shareholders.

Baltic Horizon Fund

  Baltic Horizon Fund, a real estate investment fund, reported a net profit of €3.9 million for 2022, up from €1.4 million in 2021. The results were driven by the recovery of Galerija Centrs, which benefited from fewer rent discounts and increased rent indexing in 2022. The comparable net rental income grew by 9.6% YoY due to the better results in the commercial segment, mainly Galerija Centrs. The fund has not yet fully recovered from the occupancy decline caused by the pandemic in the commercial segment. The sale of Domus PRO office building and shopping center in Vilnius is expected to reduce the fund's debt, including the redemption of bonds due in May 2023. The fund's gross asset value decreased by 0.7% in Q4 2022. Baltic Horizoni portfellis oli 2022. aasta lõpus 15 Balti riikide pealinnades asuvat kinnisvarainvesteeringut, mille õiglane väärtus oli 333,1 miljonit eurot ja renditav netopindala 151 870 m2. Portfelli suurendas Meraki büroohoone esimese torni valmimine. Intre...

USA päikeseenergia turg

USA päikeseenergiaturg on kasvanud viimastel aastatel kiiresti, ulatudes 2021. aasta lõpuks ligi 97,2 gigavatini (GW), mis on piisav 18 miljoni keskmise Ameerika kodu toitmiseks⁵. Päikeseenergia osakaal USA elektritootmises on tõusnud 2010. aasta 0,1% -lt üle 4,5% -ni täna⁶. Kuigi California on traditsiooniliselt domineerinud USA päikeseenergiaturul, on teised turud jätkuvalt kiiresti laienenud, juhtides Florida ja Texas kiiret kasvu⁶. 2022. aasta kolmandas kvartalis lisas USA 4,6 GW uut päikeseenergia võimsust, mis on 17% väiksem kui eelmise aasta samas kvartalis, kuna kaubandustõkked ja püsivad tarneahela piirangud aeglustavad Ameerika puhta energia edusamme⁴. Päikeseenergia konkurentsivõime teiste tehnoloogiate suhtes on võimaldanud sellel kiiresti suurendada oma osa kogu USA elektritootmisest⁶. 2023. aasta alguses on päikeseenergiaturul oodata uusi võimalusi ja uuendusi, kuna USA energiasalvestusturg on valmis võtma hoogu⁸ ja kogukonnapäikeseenergia turud saavad kasu investeerimisa...

Enefit Green

Here are some of the possible reasons why EGR1T stock is trading at a discount to other European peers according to the search results: - EGR1T operates mainly in the Baltic region, which may have lower growth prospects and higher political risks than other European markets¹²³. - EGR1T faces strong competition from other renewable energy companies, which may have larger scale, more diversified portfolios, and better access to capital and technology¹²³. - EGR1T has a high debt-to-equity ratio of 1.3, which may indicate a high financial leverage and a low solvency¹²³. - EGR1T has a low free cash flow margin of 6.4%, which may indicate a low profitability and a limited ability to invest in growth opportunities¹²³. - EGR1T has a low analyst coverage and a low trading volume, which may indicate a low market awareness and a low liquidity¹²³. These factors may contribute to the lower valuation of EGR1T stock compared to other European peers. However, these factors may not reflect the full pot...


Globalstar, a leading provider of satellite communication services, has selected MDA, a Canadian space technology company, to build 17 new satellites for its low Earth orbit (LEO) constellation⁵². The contract is valued at $327 million and is expected to extend the life of Globalstar's existing satellite network by 15 years⁵². MDA has subcontracted Rocket Lab, a New Zealand-based launch and space systems company, to design and manufacture the spacecraft buses for the new satellites²³. The subcontract is worth $143 million and is the largest spacecraft bus order placed with Rocket Lab to date³. Globalstar has paid $20 million in forbearance agreement to MDA and Rocket Lab, while exploring financing options for the remaining payment obligations⁴. According to the web sources, Globalstar has 48 satellites in orbit, with an additional four satellites as spares¹². The satellites are placed in eight orbital planes of six satellites each, inclined at 52° to provide service on Earth from 7...

Lar Espana

According to the web, Vukile is a South-African fund that is already present in Spain as the main shareholder of Castellana Properties, another SOCIMI⁴⁵. Vukile entered Lar Espana in January 2022, when it bought a 21.7% stake from Pimco, a US investment firm, for €97 million through Castellana Properties³⁵. Since then, Vukile has increased its stake in Lar Espana to over 25%, taking advantage of the weakness of the sector in the stock market². Vukile is reportedly analyzing a takeover bid on Lar Espana, which could value the company at around €800 million, according to newspapers such as Expansión and El Confidencial⁴⁵. This would imply a price of around €9.7 per share, which is almost twice the current market value of Lar Espana¹. However, the takeover bid is not confirmed yet, and it could face some regulatory and legal hurdles, as well as the opposition of other shareholders of Lar Espana⁴⁵. I searched the web for is Lar Espana good investment and found some results. According to th...

CPI ja EUR/USD seosed

 Here is a chart of the CPI and the euro exchange rate from January 2020 to January 2023, based on the data from OECD¹ and Trading Economics². The CPI is measured by the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), which is the official inflation indicator for the euro area³. The exchange rate is the monthly average of the euro against the US dollar. | Month | CPI (annual % change) | Exchange rate (EUR/USD) | | Jan 2020 | 1.4 | 1.1097 | | Feb 2020 | 1.2 | 1.0941 | | Mar 2020 | 0.7 | 1.1026 | | Apr 2020 | 0.3 | 1.0864 | | May 2020 | 0.1 | 1.0900 | | Jun 2020 | 0.3 | 1.1251 | | Jul 2020 | 0.4 | 1.1422 | | Aug 2020 | -0.2 | 1.1789 | | Sep 2020 | -0.3 | 1.1768 | | Oct 2020 | -0.3 | 1.1724 | | Nov 2020 | -0.3 | 1.1826 | | Dec 2020 | -0.3 | 1.2165 | | Jan 2021 | 0.9 | 1.2134 | | Feb 2021 | 0.9 | 1.2070 | | Mar 2021 | 1.3 | 1.1896 | | Apr 2021 | 1.6 | 1.2021 | | May 2021 | 2.0 | 1.2184 | | Jun 2021 | 1.9 | 1.1971 | | Jul 2021 | 2.2 | 1.1827 | | Aug 2021 | 3.0 | 1.1735 | | Sep 2021 | 3.4 | ...

Tööturg ja börs

JOLTS: kasutu indikaator või suurema inflatsiooni kuulutaja?  Töökohtade  avamise  ja tööjõu voolavuse uuringu   (JOLTS) programm toodab andmeid vabade töökohtade, palkade ja lahkuminekute kohta. Siin on osa, mis meie arvates on keskpanga jaoks kõige põnevam ja kõige raskemini lepitav.  Suurim töökohtade arvu kasv on teenindusvaldkonnas – hotellid ja restoranid.  Postitatud on 1,74 miljonit positsiooni.  Lisaks streigivad töötajad Ühendkuningriigis ja Prantsusmaal.  Nad ei taha töötada 3% palgatõusu nimel, kui inflatsioon on 10%.  Seejärel lisage, et paljud ettevõtted teenivad tohutut kasumit ja ostavad aktsiaid tagasi (kuigi poole võrra sellest, mis on olnud viimase kümnendi jooksul). Kui kaugele saab inimesi lükata? JOLTSi aruanne ütleb meile, et hoolimata sellest, et Föderaalreserv ja EKP võitlevad inflatsiooniga, püüdes majandusi mitte suruda majanduslangusse, käib suurem lahing.  Sotsiaalne murrang, toiduainete hinnatõus, palga...

ChatGPT võib olla internetiajaloo kiiremini kasvav lehekülg

UBSi analüütiku Lloyd Walmsley sõnul on ChatGPT saidiliiklus jaanuaris jätkuvalt kasvanud ja kasvab tempos enam kui 100 miljoni igakuise aktiivse kasutajani (MAU), kiiremini kui TikTok. Kui Hiina sotsiaalmeedia hiiglane vajas 9 miljoni ülemaailmse MAU-de tabamiseks 100 kuud, siis ChatGPT suutis selle eesmärgi saavutada vaid 2 kuuga, kuna see käivitati 2022. aasta novembris. Näiteks Instagram vajas 2 ja pool aastat, samal ajal kui Pinterestil kulus 41 miljoni MAU-ni jõudmiseks 100 kuud. ChatGPT-l oli detsembris 57 miljonit MAU-d, kusjuures UBS eeldas, et OpenAI välja töötatud rakendus ületab jaanuaris 100 miljonit, mida kirjeldatakse kui "tohutut saavutust". Microsoft teatas hiljuti, et investeeris uuesti OpenAI-sse, muutes Azure'i eksklusiivseks pilveteenuse pakkujaks. UBS prognoosib generatiivse tehisintellekti (AI) turu suuruseks umbes 1 triljon dollarit.

Bank of America prognoosib S&P 500 indeksi sihiks järgmise 12 kuu jooksul 4700 punkti

Bank of America’s Sell Side Indicator (SSI) langes jaanuaris 9 baaspunkti 52,9%-le, lähenedes peaaegu 6 aasta madalaimale tasemele. SSI jälgib USA müügipoolsete strateegide poolt aktsiatele soovitatud keskmist jaotust. Näit viitab S&P 500 tootlusele 16% järgmise 12 kuu jooksul, mis tähendab, et indeks võib jõuda 4700-ni. Hetkel on SSI BofA kuuest raamistikust, mida kasutatakse aastalõpu eesmärgi saavutamiseks (4000), kõige tõusvaim. 2023. aastaks). "Ajalooliselt, kui SSI oli sellel või madalamal tasemel, olid järgnevad 12 miljoniline S&P 500 tootlus positiivne 95% ajast (vs. 81% kogu perioodi kohta) ja keskmine 12 miljoniline tootlus oli +21%, " ütles aktsia- ja kvantstrateeg. Savita Subramanian kirjutas kliendi märkuses. SSI jõudis 2021. aastal peaaegu müüginumbrile, enne kui langes järsult ja jäi vaid 1,4 pp-ga ostust. "See nihe on üks põhjus, miks me vaatame 2023. aastasse konstruktiivsemalt ja sellest ajast alates on S&P 500 tõusnud 6%," lisas strate...