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A broker on why brokers shut down Reddit/WSB stock trading in GameStop, AMC
and others

- It was the move heard around the world. Trading -- specifically
purchases -- in GameStop (NYSE:GME), AMC (NYSE:AMC), Koss (NASDAQ:KOSS),
Bed Bath and Beyond (NASDAQ:BBBY) and others were restricted by just
about every major broker catering to retail investors.
- Robinhood attracted the lion's share of the ire, issuing a statement
earlier that no new purchases of some of the volatile stocks was to be
allowed -- only stock sales. A spokesperson later confirmed that they
consider closing "at risk" positions on behalf of customers they deem may
be unable to meet collateral requirements.
- It's a story that has captivated individuals from all walks of life,
even polarizing political figures that are either seeking to capitalize
the crisis or are genuinely concerned. Their intent is unknown but they
are unified.
- But why is it happening? One of the brokers at the heart of the
conundrum, Interactive Brokers (NASDAQ:IBKR), brought their Chairman,
Thomas Peterffy on to speak on CNBC to lay out the worries from a market
structure perspective.
- "If our customers are unable to pay for their losses, we have to put
up our own money" said the chairman, noting that many in the marketplace
were "concerned" about the "financial viability" of intermediaries and
- Interactive Brokers for its part issued a statement earlier today, and
announced it has put AMC, Blackberry, Express Inc., and Koss Corp.
options trading "into liquidation only due to extraordinary volatility in
the markets."
- "In addition, long stock positions will require 100% margin and short
stock positions will require 300% margin until further notice. We do not
believe this situation will subside until the exchanges and regulators
or put certain symbols into liquidation only," Interactive Brokers said
the statement earlier.
- Peterffy said, "we are worried about the integrity of the marketplace
and the clearing system." He cited issues like the "fundamentals" of
no longer being relevant.
- He estimated that, based upon the options and trading activity in
GameStop, nearly $10-15B in value has been lost and made. Given that
brokers stand between the customers and the clearinghouses, when someone
makes money, the clearinghouse must provide that to the brokers to hand
their customers, while the brokers must do the inverse with their own
customers depending on the losses or the gains.
- He notes that brokers, like IBKR, must ultimately put up their own
money if their customers cannot come up with the money to pay for their
losses -- something the chairman said was not a concern for his company
given the $9B in equity he said they had at their disposal. He said the
company has not really gotten hurt from this issue yet, but he can't
for other brokers that may not be able to meet their margin calls.
- In response to a question about brokers changing the rules in the
middle of the game, the chairman noted that the short squeeze and market
manipulation is illegal, and that if you participated in buying shares in
GameStop near $200 when it was "worth" $17, there is really no other
explanation other than market manipulation.
- With regards to investigating any wrongdoing, Peterffy said that it's
hard to investigate the numerous players, but you could look at any
institutional players, if there are any. He doubts small players could
had this much impact without institutional help given the amount of money
it would require.
- Robinhood in a late statement Thursday, said it would now allow
"limited buys" of the securities they restricted earlier. They said the
prior decision was a "risk-management" decision and was not based upon
direction of market makers they "route to."
- The short squeeze captivated the market zeitgeist, but some focused
their efforts on ETFs and the derivative impacts there.

|Today, 4:27 PM|183 Comments


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