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Nasdaq Balti börsidel algas kauplemine Grenardi Groupi võlakirjadega

Nasdaq Balti börsidel algas kauplemine Grenardi Groupi võlakirjadega. See on märkimisväärne sündmus nii ettevõtte kui ka Balti kapitaliturgude jaoks. Siin on lühike kokkuvõte olulisest: Ettevõte: Grenardi Group Tegevus: Juveelipoodide kett Balti riikides Võlakirjade maht: 12 miljonit eurot Intressimäär: 10% aastas Lunastamistähtaeg: 16. aprill 2027 Investorid: Enamasti Läti investorid (85%), 12% Eestist ja 3% Leedust Noteerimine: Nasdaq Riia börsil Mõned olulised punktid: Grenardi Group on edukalt kaasanud 12 miljonit eurot kapitali avaliku võlakirjapakkumise kaudu. See on ettevõtte kolmas võlakirjaemissioon ja esimene noteerimine reguleeritud börsil. Suur investorite huvi näitab usaldust Grenardi Groupi ja Balti turu vastu. Võlakirjadest saadud raha plaanitakse kasutada ettevõtte kasvatamiseks ja Balti turul konkurentsipositsiooni tugevdamiseks. Grenardi Groupi juht Ģirts Rudzītis ütles: "Oleme avaliku pakkumise tulemustega väga rahul. Täname igaüht neist

Tarbijahinnaindeksi tõus oli aprillis viimase kolme aasta väikseim

Statistikaameti andmetel tõusis tarbijahinnaindeks (THI) aprillis 2024 võrreldes eelmise kuuga 0,9%. See on viimase kolme aasta madalaim kuukaalne THI tõus. Võrreldes 2023. aasta aprilliga oli THI kõrgem 2,8%. Mõned olulised punktid: Kaubad: Kaubad olid aprillis mulluse aprilliga võrreldes 2,4% kallimad. Selles kategoorias oli eriti märkimisväärne värskete köögiviljade (-18,3%) ja suhkru (-14,8%) odavnemine. Teisalt kallidnes oliivõli 39,1%, konservpiim 21,2% ja kondiitritooted 19,8%. Teenused: Teenused olid 3,3% kallimad kui mullu aprilliks. Suurem osa sellest tõusust oli tingitud transpordihinnamuutustest, kus reisijatevedu kallidnes 15,7% ja eratranspordivahendite kasutamine 4,6%. Kuuendine kuu järjest aeglustumine: THI tõus on aeglustunud juba kuus kuud järjest. See on osaliselt tingitud möödunud aasta aprillist lõppenud energiahindade kompensatsioonimeetmetest. Inflantsioon on endiselt madalam kui eurotsoonis: Vaatamata THI tõusule on Eesti inflatsioon endiselt madalam

After a week of rally, #ES_F

Market Analysis Correction After Rally: It's common for markets to experience microdips or corrections after a significant rally. This allows for some profit-taking and often presents new buying opportunities for those looking to maintain a bullish position. Previous Support Turns Resistance: The 5202 level, which previously acted as support, could now present some resistance to further upward movement. This means the bulls need to show continued strength to regain control. Bullish Case: If the bulls quickly retake 5202 or hold firmly at 5209, that indicates continued buying pressure and a potential for further rallying. Bearish Case: Failures to hold these near-term support levels could lead to a deeper correction, with the 5177 and 5168 levels becoming the next potential targets for the bears. Table Of Important Levels Type Level Significance Resistance 5209 Previous support level that now may act as resistance Support 5202 Current area where bulls need to maintai

This data highlights the ongoing effects of the pandemic-driven inflation shock and reveals important wage trends

This data highlights the ongoing effects of the pandemic-driven inflation shock and reveals important wage trends: Key Points: Wage Growth Continues: The 4.4% increase in wages and salaries for all workers indicates that wages are still rising, although at a slower pace compared to the peak of 5.27% seen in 2022. Higher than Pre-Pandemic: Current wage growth remains above the 3% benchmark typical before the pandemic and the inflation surge. Inflation Factor: While wages are increasing, persistent inflation erodes some of the purchasing power gains for workers. Implications: Worker's Purchasing Power: Even with wage growth, workers may find their spending power hasn't significantly increased due to the ongoing inflationary pressures. Pressure on the Fed: Continued wage growth above the historical average might put pressure on the Federal Reserve to continue raising interest rates to cool down the economy and bring inflation under control. Labor Market

$UBER | Uber Q1 24 Earnings

Uber's Q1 earnings report offers a mixed picture. Here's a breakdown of the key takeaways: Earnings Per Share (EPS): Miss: Uber reported a loss of $0.32 per share, wider than the estimated loss of $0.22. This indicates the company is still not profitable, despite increased activity. Potential Reasons: Factors like higher costs (e.g., driver incentives, fuel prices), and investments for growth could be contributing to the loss. Revenue: Beat: Revenue of $10.13 billion exceeded analyst expectations of $10.11 billion. This suggests strong demand for Uber's services. Gross Bookings Mixed: Gross bookings were $37.65 billion, slightly below analyst expectations. While this figure represents growth, it might signal a slight deceleration in the pace of growth compared to investor projections. Q2 Guidance: Below Estimates: Uber's gross bookings forecast for Q2 came in lower than expectations. This indicates potential concerns about slowing growth or inc